Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Will having precancerous cells effect having babies in the future?

I went to the doctor and they said that I had precancerous cells... I don't care about the cancer, I just want to make sure I can have a child when I ready. They said they have to take a nickle size out of my cervix... Will it hurt my chances?
Precancerous cells will not harm your chances of having a baby.Surgery to remove these cells however, can.Don't jump into this surgery simply because a doctor has told you to do it.If you have CIN 1 or CIN 2 I'd urge you not to have this surgery done if you plan on having a family in the future.Have pap tests every 6 months to track what the cells are doing. You'll most likely find that after a few months your body will have done its job and evicted the "bad cells".
If not, you can always fall back on the option of surgery later, with no ill effects to your health in the meantime.Women are made to believe that the presence of these cells will cause death, and that they must be removed ASAP.
This is simply NOT TRUE!

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