Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Will i have sleep apnea?

Dear friends,For the past five years I have been suffering from
1. Extreme day time tiredness/fatigue
2. Overweight, but not obese.(90kgs-I am29 yrs,male)
3. Have Blood pressure, but well under control due to tablets(been taking tablets for the past 5 years)
4. Snoring.but not too loud.
5. Tiredness when I get up from bed...literally not able to get up from the bed...I had to push myself hard to get up
6. Approximately ... in a day I am yawning for about 50 times.
7. I do not remember for gasping for breath during night time. I also do not get up during the nighttime. I have a good sleep, but unrefreshing sleep. I can easily sleep as early as within 10 minutes in to the bed, but getting up is really difficult.no matter how many hours I sleep.
8. I was diagnosed for Stress and depression 4 years back at the time when the doctor discovered that I had blood pressure. I personally feel that I do not have any stress or depression as of now.and My BP is normal
I would bet that you definately have it. I do and you described my symptoms exactly. Get a sleep study done. Its painless and a cpap is the best thing I have discovered.
The only real way to tell is to get a sleep study, there is no way to diagnose yourself with this problem. If after you get the sleep study it shows that apnea is not your problem then you doctor can search for other reasons why you have these symptoms. It's important to get it checked, don't suffer in silence.
have you checked the side effects of your tablets? are you taking any for depression or anxiety? they can cause tiredness. the only real way to find out if you have sleep apnoea is to go to a hospital or sleep research centre and have tests.
sleep apnea can be central,,,,,,,,brain stem does not issue orders to breathing muscles,peripheral,,,,,,,,,,,r... muscles or diaphragm receive appropriate brain signal but do not contract sufficiently,,,,,,,,obstructiv... structures collapse,because of shape,protruding uvula.or excess weight imposed on diaphragm muscles,,,,,,,there occasionally occurs encephalitis like condition where pt complaints are like yours,except sleep studies,eeg,ekg are all negative,,,,,,thats where you get antidepressants,,,,,,if eeg is positive you might get a forced ventilator,a face mask,and a timer to assure lung ventilation during sleep.surgery might be considered with obstructive sleep apnea,where the uvula might be shortened a tad,you'd be told to drop some weight.another slant on this is food allergies that boost sed rate,sometimes produce sleep apnea like symptoms,tests are negative,,,,,,doctor declares your "architecture" (tech jargon refers to the up %26 down points created by the graph needle,like the polygraph machine) ok,theres no problem,she sends you home and yer still miserable,tired,beat up twice,,,,first ,by the medical condition causes distress,and second,tell you that it doesnt exist because she can't measure it,,,,,sed rate is blood content of white cells that protect you from bacteria,fungii,and parasites,,,,,,elevation is above 200 ,normal 200 or less,,,,high sed rate can cause sleep apnea,,,,,,reduction of offending foods or chemicals,and consequently the sed rate,can improve these symptoms

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