Sunday, October 25, 2009

Why protect skin graphs from sun?

my child has skingraphs on her arms and legs due to being burnt why does the skin need protecting from the sun and what can i do to stop it getting itching in the sun.
I have also had skin graphs due to being burnt. I was told by my doctors not to go into the sun for 2 years to avoid not only a rejection of the graphs, but to also avoid being very badly burned again. ( Graphs are way more sensitive than normal skin and can burn in just a few moments in the sun)
The itching problem is because the skin is dry. lotion up all day long!! It's very important to use lotion and sunscreen and recommended to stay out of the sun completely during your healing process. ( a minimum of 2 years) pressure garments help with the scarring and will subdue some of the itching. (They keep the blood flowing to the skin without allowing blood flow to raised scar tissue, thus keeping scars down.)
It has been almost two years since my surgery and I am still itchy sometimes. I still stay out of direct sunlight and lotions up as often as I can. I started using the expensive Rx lotion they gave me at the hospital, but have found Aveeno lotion to work great. I especially like the one with the oat meal. Aveeno also makes a bath additive for soaking dry skin, it also have oatmeal in it, but it is not recommended if the skin still has open soars or blisters.
It is also very important not to scratch. this is almost impossible to do, i know. I usually got away with rubbing and being very careful not to break open the skin. ( Yes, I have done it. The rubbing feels so good you almost can't stop) I have gotten yelled at by my Doctors sooo many times for having rub burns!! I was told it only produces more scar tissue, which can interfere with the nervous system and cause numbness and more pain through out the body.
because it is basically scar tissue and is more delicate than the other skin, same with tattoos, make sure you cover her up/use a good factor 50 sun lotion
I recommend getting the highest SPF lotion out there. I have 60spf stuff. The reason is that these graphs are exceptionally sensitive, and you want to protect your daughter from having any potential issues that the sun may cause...cancer for one.

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