Sunday, October 25, 2009

Why the sore does not heals in the sugar patients?

Diabetes is not just increased blood sugar. IT affects practicaaly all parts of the body! It can cause damage to the nerves so the patient loses feeling in his feet leading to small cuts occuring while walking. Due to the increased blood sugar, the bacteria are provided with a fertile breeding ground. diabetes also leads to accelerated atherosclerosis which causes narrowed blood vessels therby reducing the entry of WBCs, antibodies and antibiotics to the site of infection. Also the nutrients needed for building up new tissue in the healing process is prevented access to the wound site due to the impaired blood supply. Due to all these causes treating a diabetic foot is complicated and may sometimes end in amputation. yourself, and look under 'complications' in this link. You will understand why.Licenced paramedic
They have poor circulation and it causes things to just not heal as well as people that have normal blood sugar.
The diabetes affects the flow of blood -
Diabetes patients have high amounts of blood sugar.
Bacteria that enter through the sore thrive well in these conditions and multiply at a fast rate hence the sore takes more time to heal!
the imbalance in blood circulation makes the bacterias to thrive well in the affected areas.

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