Sunday, October 25, 2009

Why would my husband have passed away 12 hours after having a perfect Angiogram?

Minor heart attack 3 days earlier. Angiogram results came out perfect. Heart looked strong and healthy.
That's something you need to discuss with his doctors. We have no way of knowing the answer to this question.
You didn't say what his cause of death was. If it was a heart attack there is no way to know when you will have one. He could have had a blood clot somewhere they broke off and went straight to his heart. If you have unanswered questions your best bet is to talk to his doctor about all of this.
heart beats faster.
First and most importantly let me say I am very sorry this happened .
To answer your questionObstructions are not the only thing that causes heart attacksInflamation (swelling within the vessels) , arterial spasm, heart beat interuption many things could have caused this
I am so sorry for your loss.As my cardiologist explained before my angiogram, there are risks to this proceedure. They are inserting a line into a major artery in the groin and making it travel up into the heart. So many things can happen during this proceedure and they also told me that the bypass surgery I had is safer than the angiogram but both are very invasive and anything can happen. Again, I am so very sorry for your loss.
sorry for your lossangiogram reveals the presence of thrombus or narrowing of the coronary arteries ...maybe he did not have narrowing
maybe he died from spasm to the arteries.
There could be a number of reasons why your husband died after an angiogram. did his doctor let him know that one of the complication of an angiogram is death. if your husband had another heart attack, it could mean that he had a massive heart attack. there can be a chance that a clot was dislodged somewhere on his artery and caused blockaged thus leading to a heart attack.
There is a program on PBS all about Heart Disease, they cover the topic you are asking about, very thoroughly.
First, I am very sorry for this loss in your life. As some of the others have answered, there can be many reasons for your husband's death. There are risks with many procedures, including angiography. Just the stress alone could have caused a lethal arrhythmia. When you are ready, talk with your doctor, your family and your pastor. You may never know why, but you may reach a point of comfort that will heal your soul. Good Luck and may God bless you.
you need to talk to his doctor and ask him these questions
I am so sorrry about the lost of your husband.

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